Rebecca Nicholas, clinic director and principle Chiropractor, at Back 2 Balance, Hove, gives her tops tips for surviving Christmas in a 12 day countdown – Over-eating.
Over-eating at Christmas
Picture this…… You’ve sat down to have Christmas dinner surrounded by family, friends and loved ones, you get asked if you want a second helping and you say yes, you have Christmas cake, then the cheese board. You all move to the sofa to sit and watch Christmas re-runs. Then suddenly your tummy starts cramping, your belly feels bloated, and you feel generally unwell. Every year the same thing happens! Why do we do it to ourselves? We don’t learn and we eat without thinking!
Do you then chastise yourself in the new year because you’ve overeaten and put on too much weight.
So my top Chiropractic tips are:
- Eat slowly – it takes about 20 mins for your brain to recognise that your tummy is full and you’ve had enough, so start slowly and eat small portions.
- Think about chewing your food and the lovely taste in your mouth, savour it.
- Drink warm water and/or herbal tea before eating, both to cleanse the gut and get your stomach slightly full before you force a ton of food down your gullet.
- When eating also think about the consequences of over eating and eating the wrong things – be honest with yourself – are you someone who struggles losing weight, or someone who regularly gets indigestion, or get angry with themselves for over eating – decide if that extra portion or the massive slice of cake is WORTH IT.
- If it’s too late and you’ve already indulged, think about having peppermint tea and milk thistle which helps aid digestion.
Christmas is a time for enjoyment, but digestion and bowel problems are not fun, so think before you eat!
If over eating is a serious problem for you which you are keen to tackle, our resident nutritionist Jayne Hopper, can advise you. Email her on or call 07766 014932
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By: Back2Balance
Title: Over-eating At Christmas – Survival Tip NO.10
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Published Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 09:14:18 +0000