COVID November National Lockdown Update


🔒 Following yesterday’s announcement of a new 4 week national lockdown, we wanted to reassure you all that we will remain OPEN 😊

You will have normal access to your Chiropractor or Osteopath.

However clinical massage therapy looks as though this will be paused. We are awaiting clarification about clinical soft tissue therapy within our centre. It does look probable that this will be paused though. 😟 We will confirm ASAP.

➡ The government announcement has encouraged people to continue to access their necessary and routine healthcare.

During the first lockdown government legislation allowed us to stay open. However we initially closed as our professional associations needed to develop protocols and procedures for the professions.

After the last few months we are very well versed in our strict risk assessments, PPE andReading Chiropractor Beccy Norman in her PPE at Reflex Spinal Health hygiene procedures 😷

We will continue to provide a safe environment for you to visit by following the strict guidelines issued by our professional associations, regulators and Public Health England.

If you are shielding or in quarantine during the national lockdown and unable to visit the clinic, you can receive support over the phone on 0118 946 2100 ☎

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Looking forward to seeing you soon – Team Reflex

The post COVID November National Lockdown Update appeared first on Reading Chiropractor Osteopath Massage Therapy.

By: Reflex Spinal Health
Title: COVID November National Lockdown Update
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sun, 01 Nov 2020 15:20:40 +0000

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