Rebecca Nicholas, clinic director and principle Chiropractor, at Back 2 Balance, Hove, gives her tops tips for surviving Christmas in a 12 day countdown – Christmas Stress
Stress? Over Hyped Christmas?
I have been recently asking my Chiropractic clients what they think about Christmas. As for a long while now I have thought to myself that we over complicate Christmas and place emphasis on unimportant aspects of Christmas. I wondered if I was the only one who thought like this. But the general consensus seemed to be that yes, we all worry too much. Spend too much money, and forget what Christmas is all about – a festival of giving and enjoying time spent with family and friends.
I remember one year, I was probably around 10 years of age. My mother saying calmly and logically, that she was going to Marks and Spencer, (or any other well known brand!), to get a roast joint that was already stuffed and prepped. Vegetables that were pre-chopped, and Christmas cake shop bought. My mother said she wanted to spend Christmas day and Christmas eve enjoying herself; being with us her family; going to church and not spending hours and hours in the kitchen.
For those of you who don’t know, my mother was also the main, and for much of the time, the sole bread winner in our family, so, even at the tender age I was, I understood and supported my mum’s decision to make her life easier. Needless to say, the food was still absolutely delicious. We had the added benefit of mum being present, calm, and joining in with all the family shenanigans.
Stress Blogs:
Read these blogs of ours to understand why we shouldn’t stress too much for our health and advice on how to reduce stress.
What does stress do to our bodies?
The answers to less stress and more happiness is to stop running
But remember, who are you trying to show off to? What are you trying to prove? Who are you doing this all for? I’m sure your loved ones would prefer to get nothing, help bring some of the food already prepared over and to get a relaxed parent/sibling/child/friend, than a stressed out snappy one, who has bought expensive presents and the food is done to perfection. No-one is perfect so why ruin your own Christmas by trying to do everything yourself to perfection.
Or am I being a kill joy?! What do you all think? Too much pressure placed on one person, or do you just have to be super organised? Tell me your thoughts, and also tell others here how you make Christmas go smoothly without stressing…
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By: Back2Balance
Title: Christmas Stress – Survival Tip NO.6
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Published Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 09:30:50 +0000