About chiropractic


Chiropractic (Greek: done by hand).

A healthcare profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health.

Today, more than 100 years after it began, chiropractic is taught and practised throughout the world and the profession has earned broad acceptance from the public and in national health care systems for its services. It is widely regarded as the leading example of a complementary health care discipline reaching maturity and mainstream acceptance, and the World Health Organisation (WHO) has now published guidelines recommending minimal educational standards for the regulation of chiropractic services within national health care systems.

The relationship between structure, especially of the spine and musculoskeletal system, and function, especially as coordinated by the nervous system, is central to the profession’s approach to treatment, health and well being.

Research demonstrates that the primary reasons patients consult chiropractors are back pain (approximately 60%), other musculoskeletal pain such as pain in the neck, shoulder, extremities and arthritic pain (20%) and headaches including migraine (10%).  However, there is a wide range of symptoms that chiropractors are presented with. If you are looking for a chiropractor , a great place to start is to check the Chiropractor Near Me directory, and search on the Find A Chiropractor page.  

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Cost of Back Pain to UK economy annually
£ 0 bn
Million days lost in UK annually due to musculoskeletal pain
Chiropractors in the United Kingdom
> 0

To Find out more about Chiropractic, please contact your local Chiropractor Near Me clinic. They would love you to get in touch so they can see if they can help you feel better.

Pain Relief Care

The first goal for most people when they present to a chiropractor for their New Patient consultation is pain relief. 

We know that most people who have booked in for the first time either in pain, anxious, or unsure…. or probably all three!  Your chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical, neurological and orthopaedic examination and determine if they can help. If so the goal of the initial phase of care is get you feeling less uncomfortable as soon a possible. 

If treatment is not appropriate the chiropractor may refer you for further investigations (for example an X-Ray or MRI scan), or refer you to the appropriate specialist.

Corrective Care

The goal of corrective care is much more than just easing your symptoms, but rather to start correcting the cause of your symptoms. In many cases, your aches and pains are caused because of changes in the shape and alignment of your spine which places more pressure and tension on your spine, joints, muscles and nerves.

By following your recommended schedule of adjustments, soft tissue therapy, massage therapy (or whatever has been prescribed by your chiropractor) and  specific spinal rehabilitation exercises we aim to correct the misalignments in your spine and not only improve your posture, but improve your range of motion, flexibility and general well being.

Stabilisation Care

The goal of stabilisation care (sometimes referred to as wellness care) is to achieve, and maintain,  optimal spinal structure and function of the spine and prevent any further damage of the spine. Some patients will continue to receive adjustments long after they are out of pain, because they understand that this will help to keep their spine aligned and moving properly.

There will always be an objective rationale to ongoing care, and will be discussed between you and your chiropractor.

Each phase of care is important and has its place, and the choice is always up to you.


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